Цветовая схема: C C C C
Размер шрифтов: A A A

MSUMD is the large training scientific and practical center. It is a basis for carring out basic and applied scientific research and also their experimental and clinical approbation. Positive results of the conducted researches actively take root into training process and medical practice of University.

The scientific activity of MSUMD financed by means of the state budget and the raised funds is planned according to the scientific programs or contracts approved in accordance with the established procedure, and initiative basic researches – according to the thematic plans approved by the Academic Council of MSUMD.

    Curator of scientifical activity of MSUMD —

    vice rector for science Mrs. Elena Volskaya, PhD

Research are carried out at A. I. Yevdokimov MSUMD:
  • Clinical trials of medicines of a phase I-IV in the following directions;
  • Post-registration clinical trials;
  • Clinical tests of medical products for the purpose of their state registration (products of medical appointment, tools, medical equipment, dental products and tools);
  • Market researches of medical products (products of medical appointment, tools, medical equipment, dental products and tools);
and so on.
