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Размер шрифтов: A A A

The A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSUMD) was and remains to one of leaders of the higher medical education, being one of the largest in the country and Europe the training and scientific and practical center, the leading higher education organization of Russia by dental and general medicine training of specialists. MSUMD has modern educational cases, clinics and laboratories based on which 11 faculties function, such as: dental, medical, economic, faculty of clinical psychology, penitentiary medicine, faculty of post-qualifying education, secondary professional education, faculty of pedagogical education at the higher medical school, faculty of pre-university preparation, and faculty of social work.

Pedagogical and personnel capacity of university is unique. At 114 departments the true professionals having exclusive pedagogical skill work: 24 academician and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, more than 1500 PhD (medical sciences), professors, 66 honored doctors of the Russian Federation, winners of the State and international awards.

Clinics and departments of University are the collectives uniting professional specialists in all fields of modern medical science. Many clinics have on the arms the techniques of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of various diseases which don't have analogs in Russia and in the world. The long experience and scientific potential of staff of MSUMG departments allow to work actively within the priority national Health projects in health sector, offering unique techniques and developments for achievement of strategically important purpose of the state.

Solving the main objectives in the field of educational activities, the University trains qualified specialists with use  the modern management systems and control guaranteeing high quality of education, enters new specialties, develops elite and mass educational professional programs, realizes functions of the head center for development and approbation of the state educational standards, provides needs of the personality, society and the state for a wide range of educational programs.

At university the most advanced training methods of students with use of the modern textbooks and education guidances including written by the leading scientific personnel of MSUMD are applied. In MSUMD library the electronic catalog on 10000 units is developed and implemented in education process.

Stable within many decades quality of training of specialists guaranteed by the control system of educational activities provides high prestige of the graduate of university in our country and abroad, and the diploma of MSUMD promotes employment of the young specialist and his rapid career development. During existence of University there is a high tender among the entrants wishing to study in our higher education institution. The University traditionally manages to select among all applicants of the most capable and prepared, and the status of the student of MSUMD is received by the best of the best entrants.

All conditions for increase in cultural level, harmonious development of future doctor are available at the University. All palette of opportunities of manifestation of talents: acting skills, singing, dances, sport - it is provided in this sphere. Social and pedagogical work attract great interest of students. The special attitude towards elderly people and children, mercy and desire to help people — all this important components with forming of this doctor.

University is aimed that young people to whom has the luck to arrive in MSUMD didn't worry for the professional future, and the most effective medical care according to the highest international standards was guaranteed to patients of our clinics, treatment-and-prophylactic complexes, other medical divisions.
