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Graduates of one of the leading higher education institutions of Russia in the field of medical education – the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry– provide with high quality treatment not only the population of our country. They can be met far outside the Russian Federation as the prospering experts of the business, and sometimes even in the rank of statesmen. In many respects it is a merit of the faculty of MSUMD, the management of University. We are proud of our graduates as well as they are proud that have the diploma of our University.

Students life today

Questions about documents about learning process: mail@msmsu.ru  with the instruction on what documents are required
- Сertificate of the maintenance of the training courses studied by the graduate of university: archive and dean's offices of faculties
- Termination of university (confirmation of the diploma on the termination MSUMD):
Department of International Cooperation
- Termination of internat: Department of internat
- Termination of postgraduate study: Department of postgraduate study 
