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The cultural business center of MSUMD

The cultural business center of MSUMD gives the chance of self-determination, training and creative self-realization of student's youth of MGMSU that promotes in the fullest way to develop socially healthy personality and the young competitive specialist.

The student's youth of MSUMD is an intellectual, cultural and professional reserve of medical society. Level and development of our medicine depends on level and quality of training of our young shots.

The modern social and economic situation in the country demands from the young man everything new skills. Level of competitiveness of young specialists already includes not only professional knowledge and skills in which train it in a higher educational institution, but also a set of the certain personal qualities and business skills helping young specialists "to join" quickly the professional sphere and to successfully build the career.

Since October the Cultural business center works for students of MSUMD in the following directions:

Creative workshops and hobby classes: Development and realization of creative potential of students of University (creative circles, clubs, sections, creative festivals, meetings and evenings);

Youth center of employment: Employment of students and young specialists of University, increase in their level of competitiveness in modern labor market (informing students on open medical vacancies and possible temporary side jobs, the job fairs "Day of Career of MSUMD", round tables, occupations, seminars and trainings directed to formation and development of the personal qualities and business skills helping young specialists "to join" quickly the professional sphere and successfully to build the career);

Center of leadership: Development of business and personal skills and qualities of students (the trainings, seminars, business games, master classes directed to identification and development of leader potential of students, trainings on increase in knowledge and skills of a student's asset of University;

Rating of the student: Tracking and promotion of social activity of students at University.
